Be Cool Series
The central mission of the NAN Foundation is to educate and inform the public about issues related to brain health and disease. We have available a set of presentations entitled Be Cool, which stands for Brain Education Oriented Onsite Learning. With Be Cool, we bring fun and interesting presentations to elementary school children, educating them about brain functioning, and keeping brains healthy and safe.
Our aim is to have neuropsychologists bring these free presentations to schools as a public service. The NAN Foundation has two presentations: one for grades 1-3, and the other for grades 4-6. Each presentation is about 20 minutes in length, followed by activities and open discussion. We provide the powerpoint slides, talking points, hand-outs, brain models and brain goodies for the children. All you need to do is fill out the presenter form. We will provide you with all of the materials and instructions.
Please consider giving a talk or two in your local community schools. This is a chance to have some fun, inspire young minds, and help to promote the mission of the Foundation.
Be Cool. Be involved. Be part of the fun.